Monday, September 14, 2009

Motivation Monday

With everything going on lately and trying to prepare my Etsy shop (Leatherwood Designs) for the up coming holidays (yes, I've already started thinking about the holidays - crazy!), I have been wondering - what are my goals, what am I trying to accomplish? So, I embarked on a mission to do some soul searching and realistic goal setting.
Goal setting can be incredibly motivating. The process of setting goals helps you choose where you want to go in life. By knowing precisely what you want to achieve, goals can keep you focused on a purpose, and help you spot the distractions that would otherwise lure you from your path. By setting clearly defined goals, you can measure your success and boost your confidence as you recognize your ability to achieve your goals.
Tips for creating goals -
1. Write it Down - The simple act of writing your goals down on paper will bring them one step closer to reality. Writing a goal down will make it more substantial and significant.
2. Identify Obstacles – Create a list of obstacles and limitations, analyze them and develop a strategy to overcome them! Treat these obstacles like roadblocks and map out a strategy to get around them.
3. Set a Deadline – Establish a reasonable time frame to accomplishment the goal and plan for unexpected delays. (This prevents disappointment and discouragement through missing the deadline.)
4. Measure Success - Doing so will help to keep you motivated to achieve your goals as you see real achievements taking place.
5. Be Persistent! – Never, never, never give up.
So, I'm off to put my goals down on paper!


  1. Setting goals in life, establishes our grounding as well as our success. Achieving goals builds our self esteem and our self confidence. I do believe one has to be ambitious to build a successful mindset. At Promotes successful pursuit of life goals.
    Kim: I love the jewelry, you have a good direction in life and a very good mindset for success.

  2. Thank you! I am going through a very introspective phase, thinking about what I am doing, why I am doing it and what I want to accomplish.



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